Friday, November 20, 2009

schoenbuch naturpark-- end of fall

schoenbuch naturpark-- end of fall

schoenbuch naturpark-- end of fall

schoenbuch naturpark-- end of fall

schoenbuch naturpark-- end of fall

schoenbuch naturpark-- end of fall

schoenbuch naturpark-- end of fall

schoenbuch naturpark-- end of fall

schoenbuch naturpark-- end of fall

schoenbuch naturpark-- end of fall

schoenbuch naturpark-- end of fall

Friday, November 13, 2009



Monday, November 9, 2009

As a brief note: today, Nov 9th, 2009 is the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Oxford -- The Eagle and Child (for Mr. Corcoran)

The pub where "the Inklings" met. The Inklings where a group of friends, all writers, that met once a week here to talk about life and what they were writing. Two of the Inklings happen to be two of the favorite authors from my boyhood-- C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien

Oxford -- The Eagle and Child

Oxford -- The Eagle and Child

note the Campaign for Real Ale logo at the top. I had two pints of Spitfire ale from Shepherd Neame brewery here (which I found out later is one of the oldest brewers in Britan). Brilliant.

Oxford -- The Eagle and Child

Oxford -- Christ Church

Christ Church, Oxford. Lewis Carroll was a lecturer in Mathematics here and many films, including Harry Potter have filmed scenes here. Founded by Henry VIII. Yes, that Henry VIII.

Oxford -- Christ Church

Oxford -- Christ Church

Oxford -- Christ Church

Oxford -- Christ Church

This horrible quality photograph is of the Dining Hall in Christ Church. It was used as the Dining Hall in Hogwarts in the first Harry Potter film.

Oxford -- Christ Church




Oxford -- Magdalen College

Magdalen College: Where C.S. Lewis taught as a Fellow.

Oxford -- Magdalen College

Oxford -- Magdalen College

Oxford -- Magdalen College

Oxford -- Magdalen College